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Search Macro Reference

Macro Default Description
pihole_index index=* Update to the specific index being used for the "pihole" sourcetype.
pihole_dhcp_index `pihole_index` Update to the specific index being used for the "pihole:dhcp" sourcetype, if different from the main pihole index.
pihole_blocklist_index `pihole_index` Update to the index set in the scripted input from the Pihole DNS Add-on.
pihole_system_index `pihole_index` Update to the specific index being used for the "pihole:system" sourcetype created from the system summary events modular input. see Pihole Add-on: Modular Inputs.
pihole_filter_index `pihole_index` Update to the specific index being used for the pihole:filters sourcetype created from the filters modular input. see Pihole Add-on: Modular Inputs.
pihole_summariesonly summariesonly=false Defaults to not using summarized data from the CIM. Set to "true" if using data model acceleration.
pihole_host_lookup_name pihole_dhcp_lease_lookup Default Lookup used to map IPs to hostnames.
pihole_lookup_field_ip dest_ip Default ip field for the lookup to map IPs to hostnames.
pihole_lookup_field_hostname dest_nt_hostname Default hostname field for the lookup to map IPs to hostnames.
pihole_lookup_field_mac dest_mac Default mac field for the lookup to map IPs to hostnames.
pihole_enrich_rename rename `pihole_lookup_field_hostname` as "dest_nt_host", `pihole_lookup_field_ip` as "dest_ip" Used by app to rename lookup fields.
pihole_enrich_hostname(1) lookup `pihole_host_lookup_name` `pihole_lookup_field_ip` as "$ip_field$" OUTPUTNEW `pihole_lookup_field_hostname` as Hostname Used by app to enrich data with hostnames.
pihole_enrich_blocklist(1) lookup pihole_blocklist_lookup domain as "$domain_field$" OUTPUTNEW blocklist Used by app to enrich data with blocklist used.

Last update: December 15, 2022